Love Rejoices in Truth

Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 13:6 KJV

(Love) Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;

We are studying Thee Person of Love which is God Himself. We are learning that certain attributes of God need to be present in His Children so that we can accurately represent Jesus Christ the Blessed Son of God. We have also learned that certain negative behaviors are not a part of God’s Nature nor are they a part of God’s Plan for man. In a previous lesson we spoke of God not being “ill-mannered” or “acting inappropriately” and another thing we talked about is God not being “Selfish”. We also taught on God not being “easily provoked” to anger and/or an unwise response. We learned from a previous lesson that God doesn’t think evil so neither should we. We have also spoken on God being displeased with sin (iniquity and wickedness). In today’s lesson we will shift back to something God is please with and speak on “God Rejoicing in Truth”. Some various translations use the word “with Truth” instead of “in Truth” but the same concept applies. We know at least three things going on with the statement, “Love rejoices in The Truth”. First of all we notice the words “The Truth” are used so Christians should believe this to mean The Word of God, and personally the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore Love rejoices in the Word of God. It is quite common to hear people rejoice and praise God when “truth” is being ministered from the pulpit. Yes, whether taught by precept or preached by principle people tend to get excited when the “truth” is coming forth from the minister. However, the more mature believer is not completely satisfied with just Sunday morning “truth” and/or Wednesday night “truth” but requires more “truth”. Many of these types of individual seek “truth” on a daily basis looking for that fulfillment in Christ that only comes from a regular daily dosage of “truth (God’s Word)”. Since the scripture declares that “Love rejoices in “truth” it is easy to see why the sons and daughters of love would rejoice in “truth” too. Another aspect of “truth” is found in the person of “Truth” known as God. This reference to “truth” is not only “the scriptures of Truth” but also includes “The Spirit of Truth” which according to John 16:13 is the Person of the Holy Spirit. This would explain why some bible versions say “with truth” instead of “in truth”. The point being that being in the Presence of God is much reason to rejoice. We (ihlcc) can remember what life was like without really knowing God as opposed to now being able to fellowship with Him whenever we like. The difference is like night and day, sadness compared to happiness and dissatisfaction verses complete peace and fulfillment in life. Essentially knowing God and being able to walk and talk with Him is wonderful and since all people don’t know the Lord those outside of God have no idea of what they are missing out on. It is only because we know God that we fall so deeply in love with Him and His goodness toward us causes joy and peace and satisfaction in Christ Jesus. This is a true blessing from God that causes us to be happy, joyful and calm (content) whenever we are in His Presence. Since the Love of God (which is the Person of God) is omnipresent we are always in His Presence whether we realize it or not. Yes, when we start thinking about the goodness of God we start immediately sensing a joy and peace which causes us to rejoice by singing and speaking forth the praises of God. This is wonderful and never to be forgotten or diminished because God is too good for us to ever forget His Great Sacrifice through Jesus Christ. Therefore we rejoice with “Truth (Thee Holy Spirit)” as we are rejoicing “in Truth (inside of Jesus Christ)” at the same time because we all (Christians) are all one in “Truth” (Jesus Christ). The third point of “Love rejoicing in the truth” has to do with righteousness prevailing in the world. We (ihlcc) do believe Love delights in all situations that “truth” prevails over negative circumstances. This Prevalence of “Truth” could take on several forms. For example if the supreme court rules that Jesus Christ can be spoken at any school in the United States of America God (who is Love) would rejoice just like all Christians would rejoice (be very very happy). If a decision is made to allow public prayer in the Name of Jesus most Christians and Love Himself would all rejoice together simply because we know that it is God’s Will. The prevailing of “truth” is good even at the family level because if a married couple is able to resolve their disputes according to God’s Word in such that they stay together as opposed to divorce God (who is Love) rejoices and we should too. The Prevalence of “Truth” is still to be celebrated by Love (who is God) and each Christian at the individual level too. Yes, we (ihlcc) can recall the scripture that states in Luke 15:7 (KJV), “I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.’ Thus we can all conclude that whenever “truth” (righteousness) prevails over falseness (wickedness) God (who is Love) rejoices. So dear beloved faith friend be sure to rejoice in “truth” because too much sadness is already in the world. The people in the earth see plenty of wrong doing so their hope for a positive future is low and over shadowed and the Children of Love (all Christians) must see the Coming Return of Jesus Christ to make all things right. So we know that “truth” will win and all those who delight themselves in “God’s Truth” will rejoice with joy unspeakable full of grace and glory. So never lose sight of the fact that “truth” is prevailing all the time so we as “children of truth” should likewise rejoice over this “truth” all the time in Jesus Christ because if you aren’t rejoicing on a regular basis you are definitely missing out on a good part of Life. Yes, the abundant life He (Love) intended for you and your family to live inside of the Jesus Christ, The Way, “The Truth” and The Light (Our Life). Amen!